If you've ever had someone doubt you or your will to get something done, you know how deflating that can be.
Throughout my lifetime, I've had a lot of people question things that I've wanted to do... and even had some people try to talk me out of things because... "there's no way you would ever be able to do that." And every once in a while, I would talk to authority figures who would advise me to "set [my] sights a little lower."
One example... when I was a reporter in Tennessee, I wanted to get to Washington state to be with my then-fiance. He was in Seattle, which-- at the time--- was the 13th largest TV market in the country.
Well, the place I was coming from--- Knoxville--- was ranked 65th. That was quite a jump, especially for someone who had only been reporting for about a year. So I applied for a reporting position in a much "safer" sized market: Spokane. Spokane was actually about #80 or so... so I would be heading in the "wrong" direction in terms of market size--- but I knew my chances of getting a job there were much better than finding one in Seattle. And it was a lot closer to Seattle than Knoxville. ;)
So. I sent my resume and my tape to TV stations in Spokane. I didn't hear back at all from two of them. The third one sent my tape back with a letter saying, "You are not really ready for this sized market." Mind you, they KNEW I was already in Knoxville--- not sure if they realized it was a bigger market than Spokane--- but whatever.
Anyway..... less than a year later, I was reporting at the ABC affiliate in Seattle. And had to smile a bit when I once did a live satellite shot for the station that had snubbed me in #80 Spokane--- while I was working in market #13. I'm sure they didn't remember me, but still--- it felt pretty good.
It took me a while to get to this point, but eventually I realized that naysayers actually make me work twice as hard to get things that I want--- in large part because I want to prove them wrong. ;)
So I am being completely serious when I say THANK YOU to all of the naysayers in my life. You all helped to light a fire under my rear. ;)
Thanks Carmen. After being unemployed for seven months, this is the kind of positivity I need. I sure hope I get this job I interviewed for on Wednesday here. Lord bless you and know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The only One you can always count on to give His best for you. The only thing He requires of us is to love Him and turn toward Him. He died for all of us on the Cross and came alive for us. He wants to live in us and through us and all we have to do is ask Him in. }:o) < )